Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A New Year

Okay, so I haven't been the best at keeping up with our blog (and honestly haven't told many about it because I've been such a slacker on it) But... one of my goals this year is to update more often. Since being on facebook, I find that I am keeping up with a few friends but failing to include others that may be interested as well. SO, I thought I would start of my first blog of the year with an update as to what the child family has been up too.

So many changes in our home this past year! And so many trials for Kery and I to go through as parents of teenagers! Not only did our oldest graduate from High School, she moved out and is living on campus for her first year of college. A HUGE adjustment for us both. Not only did she move out (coming home on weekends to visit) she met and is now dating her first real boyfriend Derek. Which, Okay, thats all normal teenage stuff right... but to get the wammie of having all of this happen at once! I think that I am handling it all pretty well. Kery on the other hand...NOT so much. I was more worried about her living on campus, far away from home! (okay, so its 30 minutes... but seems like forever when its your child) Kery is more worried about the Boyfriend! I think that the both of us have more gray hair in the past 4 months than we have ever had!!! And poor Derek! He's probably wondering what he has gotten himself into with all of this! To give him some credit, he is really good to Stephanie and seems to adore her (and she adores him) And he is really good with the kids. Even seems to enjoy spending time with our family, which I remind Kery all the time is a "good thing" It's the boys (like a few that I dated) that dont feel comfortable around the family that you have to worry about! ;) And I thought it was supposed to get easier as they get older!!!!!

Brittanie and Kyleigh are both in middle school this year. And have grown up so much the past few months! We have 2 more teenagers in the house now! Brittanie has now moved into Stephanie's room and was very quick to "help" her pack her things when leaving for school. Although she has to share on the weekends, she is enjoying her "own room" during the week. Im just trying to gather the energy to get upstairs and really make the rooms their own. 3 bedrooms upstairs need to be re-modled, re-painted and re-decorated. One of these days I will get to it. (thats what I keep telling them anyway!) Both the girls are playing in the band. Brittanie the Trumpet and Kyleigh the Baritone. (which was totally her choice and so funny to watch her try to carry to the car everyday! Its as big as she is!!!)

Kameron has taken on playing the piano this year and is doing very well! He HATES that he just cant sit down an play like a pro (a trait that he gets from his momma) He wants to be the best at everything he does and it hating the fact the he actually has to practice to get better. *but we are working on that He is involved with the scouting program at the church and looks forward to Wednesday nights when he has a meeting! Right now we are working on the "pinewood derby" which is so new to me! Im the clueless Mom at scouts!! (poor Kameron) Derek has told Kameron that when he was in scouts he won 4 years in a row, so Kameron is looking forward to cleaning up at this years derby! ;)

Taylor is enjoying her first year in Broadway Bound. (A group that teaches the kids about theater) She will be in her first Broadway Bound show in just a few weeks and getting pretty nervous about it. Her BFF Alexis is in the class with her which gives her a little more courage, but we shall see!!! She is now in the 1st grade and doing very well! I love to hear all her stories of what everyone did that day at school. Quite the little know it all that one! I had to laugh earlier in the week when she brought home her Newsbook where she wrote a letter to Kery and I that said "I love yoll sooooo much" My little country girl trying to sound out "Ya'll" She makes me laugh everyday, that crazy girl!!!

Kery and I are keeping busy trying to keep up with busy kids!!! I am working at the school during the day and still trying to pick up some at Fridays on the weekends. Im also teaching Broadway Bound as well as trying to keep up with the lastest show's going on with Kudzu/Kidzu. We are getting ready for auditions for our next show "Charlotte's Web" next month. As crazy as it all sounds, I dont know what I would do without all of it!!! I guess I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't crazy busy! Kery is a great help and my back up! Always there to help out where needed! And thank goodness he is here to help with homework (when did that stuff get so hard???) lol

So that's just a quick update on the crazy Day in the Life of a Child!